
Say Your "PEACE"...

Coral Bay, St. John, USVI

What does peace mean to you? We would love to hear how you define peace and if you have discovered a way to achieve it each day. Thank you for being here, right here, right now. Namasté...


Being Peace

Great Exuma, Bahamas

The beauty of peace is everywhere. If you cannot see it, try closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine bringing in all of the love that you have ever felt in your lifetime into your body, then letting out any tension in your exhalation, allowing yourself to feel that peace that comes from inside of your beautiful spirit. Namasté...


With Eternal Gratitude

Thank you to those who bless me daily with true examples of living in peace. May you feel more love in your heart today than yesterday, and more peace in your soul every minute.


Finding Peace

I hope that you take time today to bring inner peace to your life. Have a beautiful day!


What is Your Peace?

Some day I promise to liven up this blog with some more graphics. In the meantime, everyone would love to hear about what peace means to you. Since not many people even know that this blog exists, this could be difficult to accomplish soon (no rush) but I hope to call on some special people and learn more about your inner peace and where it comes from. For me, PEACE means:

~Being here now-right here, right now.
~Having the ability to exercise our free will at all times.
~The freedom to be who we truly are.
~Experiencing the joy, on a daily basis, of all that was created for us.
~Allowing ourselves to fully feel love and give it back in spades.

I will look for a place to post your own peace, but if you would like to comment here, please feel free and I welcome it. 


Carlsbad, CA Sunset Peace Time


A Golden Day

The Gift of a California Sunset

Peace Near Paz

Cabo san Lucas, Mexico

"What Other People Think of You is None of Your Business."

A special friend sent a forward today from a 90-year old lady reflecting back on her life and the lessons she considered to be the most important. I thought I would share some of my favorites, you might recognize them but it never hurts to be refreshed by words of wisdom:

~"Take a deep breath, it calms the mind."
~"Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful."
~"It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else."
~"Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple."
~"Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'"
~"Envy is a waste of time. You already have what you need."
~"If we all threw our problems into a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back."
~"No one is in charge of your happiness but you."
~"What other people think of you is none of your business."

And, at the end, "Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves." And how lucky we are to have this amazing opportunity. May peace surround you today and every day. I welcome your happy thoughts always. Thank you, dear friend, who shared this inspiration today...You will always be part of my chosen family.


A beautiful day, some waves of peace.

Happy 2010!

Sunset in Oceanside, California

Happy 2010! I have had the pleasure of hearing many beautiful spirits share that they have a great feeling about this new year. A skeptic might say that it sounds familiar and is said at the beginning of every fresh new year (but there will hopefully be no negative skeptics, at least not on this blog!), but for some reason, this year is different. Why? Because you are here, and each day there is a renewed awareness about what is truly important and that we were all put on this earth together to live as one. The closer we can all come to this realization, the more enlightened I think that we will all be. But that is my humble opinion, which is basically what this blog is about.

Not my opinion as in "me", but the collective consciousness as a whole and ideas that come from places unknown, like our muses and other parts of the universe that just need someone who will type up the words-hopefully without involving the dreaded ego. So I welcome your input on all of the wonderful ways to experience inner peace in every aspect of our lives!

I wanted to share both positive experiences and pieces of literature and other means of creating that beautiful internal feeling that is inside of us all, and one that we can call on at any time. So thank you for visiting, and I wish for you that feeling of PEACE every single minute of every day...

Heal Your Life

Heal Your Life 125x125