
Say Your "PEACE"...

Coral Bay, St. John, USVI

What does peace mean to you? We would love to hear how you define peace and if you have discovered a way to achieve it each day. Thank you for being here, right here, right now. Namasté...


  1. Peace is a relaxation of the spirit to allow an ebb and flow of the soul

  2. (Age 7): I think that a very spiritual being has peace.
    I think about peace like quiet meditating.
    Well, thank you for giving your meaning of

  3. Hello!

    Thank you for the work that you do and for making the world a healthier place!

    I would love to connect and collaborate with you (somehow!)

    My work outlines practical and creative ideas inspired by love in the quest for wellbeing.

    As a podcast host, I am in search of meaningful truths, ideas, and insights about mental and spiritual health that can awaken new ways of thinking, leading us toward a new way of being — Being Well."

    Would you be interested in any or a combination of:

    - A podcast interview: A Quest for Well-Being
    - Guest blogging

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Much Love,

    Website: https://fitforjoy.org
    Email: info@fitforjoy.org
    Podcast: https://fitforjoy.org/podcast


I welcome and appreciate your comments.

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