
What is Your Peace?

Some day I promise to liven up this blog with some more graphics. In the meantime, everyone would love to hear about what peace means to you. Since not many people even know that this blog exists, this could be difficult to accomplish soon (no rush) but I hope to call on some special people and learn more about your inner peace and where it comes from. For me, PEACE means:

~Being here now-right here, right now.
~Having the ability to exercise our free will at all times.
~The freedom to be who we truly are.
~Experiencing the joy, on a daily basis, of all that was created for us.
~Allowing ourselves to fully feel love and give it back in spades.

I will look for a place to post your own peace, but if you would like to comment here, please feel free and I welcome it. 


  1. I think that a very spiritual being has peace.
    I think about peace like quiet meditating.
    Well, thank you Julia for giving your meaning of

  2. Peace is a relaxation of the spirit to allow an ebb and flow of the soul


I welcome and appreciate your comments.

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